Bob's Flower Shop, Your Local Coplay Florist
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Featured Floral Arrangements
Mixed Color Rose Bouquet
A traditional presentation, this striking mix of two or more colors of medium stemmed roses is the perfect gift to send
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Flower delivery in Coplay
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Carr Mcd
Beautiful colorful floral arrangement for a friend's birthday! The flowers were still thriving weeks later. Thank you so much!
Mark MacLellan
Great customer service willing to go out of their way to ensure great service. The flowers we received were amazing absolutely beautiful, So many flowers.
Randi Kuhnash
Bob's flower shop did the flowers for my wedding this past Saturday and all of the arrangements were beautiful, perfect and everything I asked for.